Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Illegal Aliens & Obama

    The article “Illegal aliens find a new BFF in President Obama” on www.foxnews.com is by Mark Kirkorian. The argument Mark is portraying is that since Obama was inaugurated, the illegal immigration population has declined. Since Mark is a republican, I assume his targeted audience is fellow republicans who look forward to his posts and opinions.
    “...two illegal aliens approached him near a gap in the fence and asked if they could come in now since Obama had won.” This is what was stated in the article, a boarder patrol agent had reported to Mark that in 2008 this was asked the day after Obama's election. The quote I had just put is a good reference to the title of this article. 
    I feel that this is supported with facts and evidence. If you read the article it has statements that occurred from 2007 until now. Is the argument a successful argument? I'd like to think so, he is an executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, he is an anti-immigration activist, and a think tank (A body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems) in Washington, D.C. that promotes stricter immigration control and enforcement. 
    I myself am not a republican but if I was an anti immigrant activist; I would see why he has such great concern about this topic. It was really his article headline had grabbed my attention and I decided to do a blog on it, I feel that this is a good example of someone speaking his mind with great knowledge and facts. Mark used facts to state his opinions, which is something I respect. 

Illegal aliens find a new BFF in President Obama

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